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Spooky goings on

Two days ago my boyfriend and I were doing very late night shopping in Tesco (much more fun than shopping at the usual hour) when he turned to me with a very serious look on his face.

"Kat," he said. "Did you replace the batteries in my clock and set it to the right time?"

I'll admit I was a little bit thrown, having absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Turns out that the clock in his kitchen that hasn't worked for at least a month now is not only ticking away merrily, but has mysteriously been set to the correct time.

Well it wasn't me. I think he's got a personal poltergeist.

We also saw a tin of Japanese braised eel, which I was so pleased by I took a picture of it. I'll post it later, along with photos of what I made last night for my craft stall... bunting's brilliant.

Incidentally today's my birthday. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.


theothermousie said…
Ooohh very spooky!!! Happy Birthday - hope you have a great day xxx Here have a piece of virtual birthday cake xx
Clare said…
Happy Birthday!
Those sort of mysteries freak me out...
She Draws said…
Hi Kat, Photoshop would do the job, just open the file size as the pixels I suggest or crop a photograph and add a bit of text! I'm sure you probably know all that already though. I look forward to receiving it!

O and Happy Birthday!

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